Reiki is a powerful energy healing modality. The word "Reiki" is a Japanese term meaning Universal Life Energy. It is a gentle, non-invasive, hands on and off, natural healing method. Reiki cleanses and purifies our Chakras (energy body system) and Aura, working on the body in areas where it is needed most. The Reiki Practitioner acts as a channel for life force energy to flow through their hands into the body of the receiver. It is this life force energy that passes through the Practitioner that heals. This energy is our vital essence which, when flowing freely through our bodies in a balanced way, enables us to live full and essentially happy and healthy lives.
Crystals are Mother Earth's gifts to the world and they aid in restoring your body's stability and balance, contributing to the healing process. When looking at the human condition which leads to illness, disease lines start in the energy field and move inwards. The physical body usually has problems because the life force energy has stopped flowing properly. Whether we are stressed, ill, grieving or holding on to something, we all have a natural tendency to stick this feeling or stressor into our bodies, and we store them in all sorts of spots. By stimulating your own body (life force) energy to flow properly, the natural ability of the body to heal itself functions again.
Through the creation of a deeply relaxing, peaceful and meditative state of consciousness; Reiki can provide us with an effective, non-invasive way of reconnecting with our spiritual nature, reducing the impact of emotional stress and increasing our body's natural ability to heal itself. Reiki cleanses and rebalances our energy body, allowing increased life force energy to flow freely to where it is needed and removing blockages, which inhibit our ability to live life to our full potential, re-energized and with increased happiness and optimum health.
What to expect during a Reiki Session Offerings: * Plant Medicine Hape from Indigenous Amazonian Tribes (optional) * Chakra Energy Cleansing & Aromatherapy * Reiki Energy Healing with Crystals * Sacred Sound Bath with Crystal Singing Bowls & Ancient Indigenous Instruments
The Universal Energy works on your body within your own energy field, and isn't bound to any religion or dogma. It simply requires those receiving the treatment to be open and accepting of the loving, gentle energy.
At your first appointment we will discuss how you are feeling on a physical and emotional level and to establish what you are hoping to gain from the session. This is called setting your intention for relaxation and healing and is important as it provides the focus for the session. It is also an important opportunity to connect with each other and to establish a trusting and cooperative working relationship. During your following Reiki sessions, we will evaluate how you feel you are benefiting from the sessions and establish an intention for healing at each session. This ensures your Reiki sessions are truly reflective of your needs and wishes.
Ceremony starts by setting an intention and cleansing your energy with Sacred Herbs. Plant Medicine Hapeis included in this session and is optional. Hape is a sacred Indigenous powdered snuff made of tobacco and plants frequently used in spiritual practices by Shamans and Tribes in the Peruvian and Brazilian Amazon. This medicine is very sacred, powerful and profoundly healing and cleansing. Generally, it has the following effects – profoundly helps to realign and open all your Chakras, grounds you, releases any sickness on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, opens-up the third eye, de-calcifies the pineal gland, clears any mental confusion, releases any negative thoughts, removes any entities, connects you to your divine breath, and elevates your connection with Spirit. It is blown into the nose through a blowpipe called Tepi.
You should close your eyes, breathe slowly through your mouth, and focus on your intention when the effects of the medicine quickly start to set in. Most people experience watery eyes due to the sensitivity of the nose, and also due to the fact that Hape is a purgative for many. People may experience crying, extra salivation, sneezing, or the need to have a bowel movement. This is normal and part of the process, as one of the purposes of Hape is to cleanse and purify the mind and body. This medicine can be a very powerful way to cleanse your body and energy, as well as connect with your spirit allies through prayer and ceremony.
Right after receiving the medicine, you will lay down on a yoga mat and Tibetan singing bowls will be placed on your body. They are played using felt mallets, to create a soothing sound and gentle vibration. The bowls are strategically placed around the body, working through the meridian points, sending vibration through the body and creating a flow of sounds and energy which encourages harmonization and deep relaxation. Other instruments used are Tuning Forks, Crystal Singing Bowls, Crystal Singing Pyramid, Rainsticks, Ocean Drum, Rattles, and other sacred Shamanic Instruments. Carla also uses her Voice to channel Spirit and raise your vibration.
Crystals are then placed on your body and you will also receive Reiki Energy Healing to assist you with your Journey. Shamanic Sound Bath is like a Massage for your Soul and will assist you to raise your vibration. We all vibrate energetically at a particular frequency. The lower the frequency, the denser your energy, and the heavier your problems seem. That's why is very important to keep your frequency higher.
The higher the frequency of your energy or vibration, the lighter you feel in your physical, emotional and mental body. You experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, and joy. You have less discomfort or pain on your physical body, and your emotions are easily dealt with. Your life flows with synchronicities, and you can manifest what you desire with ease. Plus, you will be able to attract people who resonate at this higher vibration and you will feel self-empowered and one with the Universe. When you lift yourself up, you bring others with you. This way, you can contribute to raising the Collective Consciousness of the world.
Benefits: * Clears and focuses the mind and thoughts * Cleanses your Chakras and raises your vibration * Centers and grounds your energy * Opens up your physical and spiritual senses and awareness * Purifies your body and energetic fields
Your Reiki session will take place in a private, comfortable and relaxing treatment room. Relaxing and Healing Peruvian music will be played. During Reiki all you need to do is close your eyes, relax and to be fully present. There is no effort required on your part for the Reiki to work. Please feel able to move your body, if you are uncomfortable during Reiki, this will not disrupt the Reiki healing in any way. If anything makes you feel uncomfortable, please let your Reiki Practitioner know. This will allow her to address your needs appropriately so you can benefit fully from relaxation during the session.
Your Reiki Practitioner will place Crystals along your Chakras to align and balance them. She will connect with the life force energy and will proceed to scan your aura with her hands and your chakras with her hands or a pendulum to gain a sense of where healing is needed in your body. After this, your aura will be cleansed and your chakras will be aligned and rebalanced. The Reiki Practitioner's hands will be gently placed on or above your body, starting at your head. Each hand position is held for as long as the energy needs to flow to the selected place. Aromatherapy and Sound Healing is also part of the session. Crystal Singing Bowls, Tibetan Bowls and Ancient Indigenous Instruments are played to create a Sound Healing experience that will vibrate and activate every cell in your body, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Every Reiki experience is unique to the individual receiver. There are no rules about how it should feel. Some people will feel Reiki energy as heat, others as coolness or a light breeze over the body, or tingling or sensations. Sometimes people can have a sense of extra hands being on the body. Some people experience very little but most people will feel a sense of relaxation and peace. All these are all perfectly normal healing sensations.
Sometimes people can experience a need to release emotions during or after a Reiki session. Reiki can often reawaken emotions that have been retained in the body for a while and that need to be released. Such emotions include sadness, anger or grief. This is a positive healing reaction. You should feel able to release such emotions without judgement. We are working together in a safe and confidential way and you will be supported fully if an emotional reaction occurs.
What to expect after a Reiki Session The experience of Reiki is an individual one and the benefits experienced will uniquely reflect the individual's needs at the time of treatment. In all cases during the session, the chakra system will be cleansed, aligned and rebalanced. Energy blockages in the chakra system will be released along with negative energies, toxins and impurities.
After the session is finished, you may feel relaxed or energized. As you slowly come back to a normal state of consciousness we will discuss any concerns and any guidance received during the Reiki session. This is an opportunity to ask any questions for clarity or assistance.
Other potential Benefits of Reiki include: * Deeper levels of relaxation, relieving stress and tension * Connection with your Higher-Self * Pain relief of many physical conditions * Encourages peaceful sleep * Relief from addictions and helping the body to cleanse toxins * Assisting the body to heal itself * Can provide relief from emotional trauma, anxiety and grief * Reduction of blood pressure * Can help with persistent problems including asthma, eczema, migraines, etc. * Reduction in side effects of drug treatment following chemotherapy or surgery * Supports the immune system
Very occasionally after an energy healing treatment you may experience a 'healing reaction'. This usually indicates that your body is continuing with the cleansing process. It also indicates that more Reiki may be necessary. Symptoms you may experience are headache, nausea, cold or flu like symptoms, bowel changes, feeling emotional and fatigued. This should normally resolve within a few days. During this time you can support your body by drinking lots of water, eating healthy, gently exercising and getting in touch with nature.Reiki Crystal Healing raises the energy vibration of our bodies and also encourages spiritual growth and emotional clearing. Many of us are out of balance in our lives, busy lifestyle, many responsibilities to juggle and no time to care for ourselves properly. This treatment brings our body, mind and spirit back into balance and harmony. Reiki Crystal Healing should not be used as a substitute for conventional therapy but as a complement of all other types of medical and therapeutic treatments.